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Iran-Pakistan Diplomatic Talks

Iran-Pakistan Diplomatic Efforts: A Pivotal Step Towards De-escalation In a significant move to defuse rising tensions, Iran 's Foreign Minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, landed in Pakistan for crucial talks with his counterpart, Jalil Abbas Jilani. The visit comes in the wake of recent tit-for-tat air strikes between the two nations, sparked by heightened regional tensions during the Gaza conflict. A Quest for Stability The recent air strikes, which both nations claimed targeted terrorist hideouts, resulted in casualties and strained relations. However, the threat of a broader conflict prompted both Tehran and Islamabad to prioritize diplomacy and seek a path towards rebuilding their ties. Joint Commitment to Security Following in-depth discussions, the foreign ministers emphasized the significance of close Pakistan -Iran relations for regional stability. They pledged to enhance political and security cooperation, stressing mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial